Money. I want to go to Phoenix for the P.F. Chang's Rock 'n' Roll (half) Marathon in January. But let me tell you, I also WANT new hardwood floors in my house, which I plan to do in January. I WANT a new car. I WANT to go to Europe in 2010. I WANT, I WANT, I WANT. Where do you draw the line in the sand, and just say - well, I may WANT to go to Phoenix in January, but that is money I do not NEED to spend. Hell, what do I know?
I am training for something. I ran 5 good miles this morning. I felt good. I plan on running 6 miles next Sunday, and keep training until I am ready to run a half-marathon again. I just don't know what I am doing. Why can't there be a race in Colorado in January - that is a rhetorical question - I know why... start with ice, snow, sub-zero temperatures, and add from there.
I guess the answer when you want everything is to figure out how to do it all with the least amount of money. So you need to figure out what the absolute cheepest way to do the race is.
perhaps you want to come on a roadtrip to south florida. We have winter races and rarely have subzero temps.
Mary, I think about stuff like that with the leaves as well. When I see stray shoes or socks on a run I put together a story about where they came from and who they belong to. LOL
I hope you decide to come here but I really understand about the money!
I find when there are a lot of wants on my plate that I need to start prioritizing them on a list. What do you want most? Also, try to get an idea of how much money each one is going to cost you and work from there.
Everything on your list is possible..they'll just have to be staggered.
LOL Mary. You sound like me. I want, want, want, but alas . . .everything takes money LOL
Yes! I too want that 5K tri bike :-) But I am happy with what I have. If things work out and I can do more, than so be it. Life is good :-)
I know what ya mean, when you want lots but know you can't do it all. You have to prioritize then, but it sure does suck.
I understand. Especially these days with the economy in shambles, we all need to prioritize.
For me, the budges doesn't allow travel for races; I need to be content with local offerings.
Probably if everyone realized like you that there are things they want and then there are things that they need, the economy would not be so screwed up.
I wish I could travel everywhere for all the races!
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