Monday, 17 September 2007


I am sick as crap. I have my office calling me and there is a big disaster at work, and this is SO unlike me, but I just cannot go in. I am sick. I have a fever, my whole body hurts, I don't have a voice, and I sound like a dog when I cough, my nose is dripping, my throat hurts, my head is pounding, even my teeth hurt! And I am not kidding. A sinus can sometimes impact dental nerves, and I have that going on.

I have only missed one run - so far. My half-marathon is on October 14. I know that this week is not going to be a good training week, and it was an important, high-mileage week.

What happens when you miss important chunks of training?


Wes said...

Focus on getting better for your long run next weekend, and don't worry about it.

Sue said...

Hey, maybe it's just the fumes from all that paint?!

Hope you start feeling better soon - and don't worry about missing a few runs.

J~Mom said...

You just have to focus on getting well. If you miss a long run you can make it up next weekend but otherwise skip it and pick up where you would be if you weren't sick.


Unknown said...

First of all, get well. Second, the cardinal rule of training is you can not make up lost training. Let it go and pick back up where you left off. If you try and "make it up," you will only injure yourself. It is always, ALWAYS better to go into a race undertrained than overtrained. So lay back, relax and get to feeling better. When you are, go out for a nice run.

Adam said...

Being sick while training really is crappy. I'm no expert in training for races, but have run quite abit. Getting better is more important than mileage. If you get worse, it will be difficult to run from a hospital bed:)

ws said...

Listen to what Chad said - cut your losses and restart your training schedule when you're feeling better. You can do the distance so you'll be fine missing a week. Get better soon!

Unknown said...

You do what you need to do. If you are sick, you need to get well. Being healthy is priority. You might need to replan your training depending on how much you miss. I usually just skip that particular workout (or workouts) and move on with what's next. Don't double up - that is a recipe for disaster.

Jess said...

If you're sick, you should always focus on getting better. So, rest up and return the running when you feel better!

Marcy said...

ITA with Chad! Rest up and take care of yourself. Don't worry about the running so much :-) ((((HUGS)))

Michelle said...

Welcome to the club, Mary. I am finally feeling better following my sinus infection. I had almost all the same symptoms as you when I went to the doc. Sure enough, it was a sinus infection. Ugh. I was in so much pain I literally cried much of Thursday morning.

Hope you go to the doctor to get checked out if you're not feeling better!