I sat down on the sidewalk to take this picture on my morning run today. I thought the flowers were pretty and evoked a mood of late summer. I love late summer, early fall, late fall, early winter... then early spring, late spring, early summer, and late summer again. The only part of the year I struggle to like is late winter.
But I digress...
I went for an introduction session at a yoga studio today and then plopped down my credit card to pay the considerable sum for 3 months of membership. Please, somebody, tell me this wasn't a waste of money! Yoga is not cheap!
I have been struggling to keep running. I have been struggling with just about everything. I have been in tremendous pain from the car accident. The CT scan showed that I have "degenerative disc disease" which isn't news to me. I am glad it is nothing more acutely worse than that.
But do I want to continue to go to Physical Therapy once a week for limited relief (at $30. a crack), or should I try something else? I decided that yoga might just help me. The tiny little korean woman at the yoga place was so kind to me, and didn't try to insult me into signing up. You know how sometimes people tell you how very badly you need them by telling you how very pitiful you are? I didn't feel any of that at all.
We shall see...