Friday 20 July 2007


I seem to be having an attack of laziness! Yesterday was my day off, today I woke up and just thought - I cannot run this morning. I just cannot. I was up half the night (insomnia) and I am tired and I just cannot run, or bike, or swim this morning.

I guess I just need not to panic over this one day attack of lethargy. Please dear Lord, let it not turn into more than one day. It is a terrible feeling. I don't like it - at all.


Unknown said...

One day won't hurt you.

I've had a similar issue for going on two months. Don't let it turn into two months.

Wes said...

LOL. Nothing to it :-) Exercising gives you more energy! Give it a try for five minutes, and if you aren't feeling it, then go home...

Mom tried decaf once said...

Sometimes we NEED the rest. Listen to your body for today but then tomorrow get back to it!

Unknown said...


Did that help?

Adam said...

I am by no means an expert, but I think when you feel lazy its your body telling you something. A break every once and awhile is no big thing.

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

I say run for 5 minutes and see how you feel....think happy thoughts during that has to be close to the time when your son will be coming home...right?....ohhh won't that be a great time....will he be returning to Denver or will he be stationed elsewhere?

You can work thru the can do can....

ws said...

I think it might just be a sign you needed an extra day off. Smart people take cues from how they feel, silly people run until miserable and then regret it...