Sunday 15 July 2007


These things were screaming at me as I did the run portion of my brick this morning!

I got my road bike fixed up yesterday and hit it first thing this morning. Oh man, it felt SO GOOD. It just glides down the road... the gears change seamlessly, I could get it going up to 30 mph on the straight road. It felt great. I rode for 10 miles, and it still took me 53:43.

I set my Garmin to time my transition time to get ready to run. It was 3:08, which probably means nothing, since I don't have to rack my bike and move far from a bike finish to a run start. I headed out and ran slowly for 3.51 miles. I felt like I could have run a lot further. I felt good. Now, when I say slow, I mean slow. Like around 13 minute miles.

I am on my way to sprint distance triathlon fitness!


Mom tried decaf once said...

Oh no! I hope your calves feel better soon!! Great job on the biking and running!!

Marcy said...

How come everyone has defined calves and mine just look like veal? Poor genetics for me I tell ya LOL Hope they feel better!!

Michelle said...

Holy moly, look at those muscular calves!!!!! Nice!!

Great job on the workout!! You are definitely on your way!

Unknown said...

I sooooo beat you on slow today. I think I may end up in the dictionary next to the word slow after my 'run' this morning.

BTW - nice looking calves.

Unknown said...

actually, thinking more about it, my picture will be by "stupid". slow was just an artifact. LOL at myself.

Wes said...

Man oh man! Those are some knots :-) Nice muscles too though!! LOL. I find myself running very slow miles on my bricks too, but come race day, I surprise myself...

Unknown said...

Great job on the brick. Sounds like you have that bike tuned up nicely.

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

Way to go Mary on the are not slow, if they could run video film in a slow enough speed I could show you slow.....

Marcy might think that everyone has defined calves, but not everyone is willing to show them off...great legs...hope they get to feeling better soon.....

TX Runner Mom said...

Okay, so you calves may ache, but they look really good! ;-) Way to go on the brick!