Sunday, 19 August 2007

Heart Rate Hyroglyphics

I had a great 5 mile run this morning while my son was sleeping. (Sorry, one of these days I will skip mentioning that he is home, but not quite yet.) As I am beginning my training for the Denver (half) Marathon on October 14, I am trying to be a little bit more methodic about it than I was for the Colfax Marathon in May.

I have got articles and books everywhere in my house. I have got "Marathoning for Mortals," "The Non-Runners Marathon Trainer," "No Need for Speed," and 2 copies of the August Runners' World with the training plan for running a half marathon. My latest thing is trying to figure out where my heart rate should be. I have had a heart rate monitor since I started training for my first triathlon in 2004 - maybe it is time I learned how to use all that data?

Today's run was deliberately slow. I wanted to just enjoy the morning and my new shoes!!! (yes, I got the Brooks Trace 7s and they rock!) I was talked out of purchasing a fuel belt by the wonderful salesman at the Boulder Running Company and instead got a little water bottle with a handle and pocket - and liked that a lot... anyway, I digress. So, my slow run - I logged 42:02 mins. @ 70-80% of max, and 32:02 mins. @ 80-90% of max heart rate. That doesn't sound like a slow run to me, but I did enjoy it, and I was indeed going S-L-O-W. Now I have to figure out what I should be doing...

Have a great Sunday everyone. Oh - and I am probably going to change my name on here again. Mary Gee is too generic for me. Mary Christine is too associated to my other blog, so I don't want to use it, although it IS my name and I like it. However, I am trying to think of a name that will be for this blog - and I am considering "Contrary Mary" - how bad is that?


Wes said...

Figuring out your zones is the key. If you can get your zones, then you know where your heart rate should be for which type of run you are doing. I remember that little fact helping me a ton when I first started doing my long runs. Slow and steady was the order of the day (12:30 minute miles :-)

I like all the names you go by :-) Find one you are happy with by all means....

Unknown said...

I second what Wes said. Learn your zones and then you will know where to keep your heart rate for various runs.

What I like about using the HR monitor is that I know how much 'effort' to expend during my long runs. What I don't like is how slow I'm going when I do that!!

Marcy said...

Good luck with the HR thing. I have to get one . . .eventually LOL I'll be asking you for help when I finally get around to getting one hehe

Unknown said...

The biggest assistance I have gotten from my HRM is keeping me in line during slow/recovery runs. I tend to run more on feel during harder effort runs and not worry too much about HR. It's a good tool, but don't become too tied to it. It can lead you astray, especially during a race.

We won't tire of hearing about your son if you don't tire of talking about him.

Loved the shoes, are those what you got? I prefer the fuel belt or hip pack over a hand-held bottle, but that's just me. The most important thing is to have your hydration handy, especially in the heat.

J~Mom said...

I have no idea about pacing or zones, lol....I suck at both! Maybe we can figure it out together! Great job on your 5 miles!